Alt Our putters


Alt Our putters


Alt Our putters


Alt Our putters



Why choose the PEGG PUTTER ?

The first ever patented “SELF STANDING” putter declared conform to the rules of Golf 20 years ago.

See 2011  letters by the R&A & USGA and the OCT 2024 R&A confirmation letter HERE– The PEGG PUTTER is conform to the rules of golf and  legal in any Golf tournament ) 


You will improve your index whatever your level of game could be. 

The PEGG PUTTER : Designed as an efficient « PUTTING TOOL » not as an expensive prestigious object.

SIMPLE  BY DESIGN :  One piece Cast stainless steel head. PLated black - Milled face 3°loft - No hosel – Stiff composite shaft  X FLEX  60% Graphite – PEGG PUTTER MID SLIM 2.0 Grip  - 42 g ) – shaft length personalized on request.

Active weight concentrated in the head ( 80% of total putter weight ) and 50 % of the head weight placed on the two legs of the head body: This HIGH MOI provides superior putting stability and forgiveness at impact.  

If you believe 200 – 300  additional € spent on your putter will make a difference in your game  , you are at the wrong place here.

UNDER  200 € suggested retail price, the PEGG PUTTER has probably the best benefit/cost ratio for the smart players.

PLEASE COMPARE !  We don’t sponsor tour players at your expense ! 


PLEASE MAKE AN EDUCATED CHOICE : Take advantage of a reasonable no risk purchase  with a 15 days trial offer (2). 

* SELF STANDING ( or FREE STANDING or STAND ALONE) putter:  Putter which can stand on the green . Players can align as usual, leave the putter standing on the green, and come behind the putter head and ball to control their alignment, then adjust it before putting. 
The Pegg Putter has been officially declared conform to the rules of Golf by the    R & A and the USGA, in 2011 and again in October 2024 (R&A letter here)  It is allowed  legally in any tournament (local, national or international) 
Please click above to download the approval letters



As Dave Pelz wrote in his legendary Putting Bible , page 50 : The Pure Pendulum Stroke. That brings us to the simplest, easiest, most repeatable, most reliable, and therefore best way to putt. If the pendulum is pure and swings down the line with no face rotation, it is as simple a motion as can be made under the Rules of Golf. And that's why it is the method I recommend most often to my students.

And we too recommend it to you .

The design, the weight low concentration, close to the ground, the vertical balance of the PEGG PUTTER make the Pendulum Stroke totally natural for you. 

Don’t devote too much time and effort to caliber your alignment : It will be always good, since you can and will ALWAYS align from behind the ball. 

Invest your time and effort on the essential : With a fully secure alignment ,  from now on,  with the PEGG PUTTER you can mentally  focus when practicing and on the course, on Speed and Distance .

Before playing, go to the putting green, caliber and memorize your putting « pendulum back swing » amplitude to roll on 1, 2,3, 4 meters .  

As Dave Pelz wrote as the headline of his chapter 8 : Speed is more important than line . If you roll your putts at the wrong speed, nothing else matters. You won't make many, and you'll have far too many three-putts. Speed is so important that it could be the foundation, the first fundamental of putting.

With the PEGG  PUTTER , you will free your mind of the rest ( alignment) and you will focus on your move, rhythm and speed and thus on distance.

Pegg putter benefits :


With a guaranteed alignment and a well-trained speed  :

No missed 1 m putts. 

A lot of 2-3 m putts made. 

Many given putts at 4-5-6 m or more. All players say it : the PEGG PUTTER is amazingly good on long or very long putts. Thanks to its high MOI , you will see , with no effort , the ball roll and roll , to stop in the magic “given putts circle” 


Don’t forget : Golf is a 2 putts game !  

If you are a 18 – 20 - 22 ou 24 index golfer : On par 4 , you will be on the green in 3 . if you use properly your « Putting Tool » the PEGG PUTTER , you will score not worse than BOGEY ..And THAT’s YOUR PAR !! And with a nice 3rd shot approach , you will enjoy a very-likely PAR , which is YOUR BIRDY !!! 

If you have a one digit index ,  you are fully capable of playing the par 4 or 5 holes in regulation. You will score a relaxed par in 2 putts and up to 3 m-4 m, perfectly aligned , you will have a highly probable Birdy putt ! 

PEGG PUTTER + GREEN READING METHODS : the killing combination !

The pros who teach, around Europe, the 2 major green reading methods, adopted by many PGA and LPGA top players, have tried the PEGG PUTTER. Some spontaneously bought a few and give them to their students, to enhance their putting classes.  After such documented and convincing demos, done by our pros "natural partners", many players bought them

Why ? The two methods result from a book published in 1984 : Vector Putting The Art and Science of Reading Greens and Computing breaks - by the  Colonel H.A Templeton - an aerospace engineer, master un vectorial mechanics , with the passion to mahe them simple for passionate golfers like him. Another bible to have !! 

With these two methods you will learn how to perfectly read a green, and decide your aim point, depending on the breaks % of the green, between your ball and the cup. 

But with a conventional putter, blade or mallet, you will align at right angle, and you will NEVER be sure you are on the putting line you have selected. One degree off and you will definitely miss the putt , and often with an uneasy and stressing return putt to make.  

With the PEGG PUTTER, you will verify, behind the ball, that you are aiming on the line you have selected. Relaxed and confident, you will concentrate on the distance to roll. 

A SURE RETURN on the investment you made on these proven green reading methods – adopted by many of the top players on the PGA and LPGA tours ( please GOOGLE “green reading “ to know more) 

The dominant eye : your putting ennemy

Golf is the only sport where you aim at a target not in front of it !

Find your dominant eye: the forefinger test

Open your two eyes and point your forefinder to a fixed distant point or object . Now close your eyes, one after the other. Your finger must move away from the point or object when you close one eye. If it does not, the open eye is your dominant eye.

The dominant eye makes you perceive that you are well aligned, when you aim at the cup with a conventional putter, that you must hold , at right angle. It is an optical illusion !

With the PEGG PUTTER, let standing on the green, once behind the putter head and the ball , you will clearly see that you are systematically aligned to the right or left of the cup !  You will see the correction to make, then make it by realigning the head on the green or grip in the hands, before putting. 

Self Standing Specificatons & Advices



Simple by design

Guaranteed alignment

Product added to compare.

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