In application of the article 6 of the law Nr 2004-575 dated June 21 2004 for the confidence in the digital economy , you will find hereunder the names of the entities and people in charge of the creation and maintenance of the website :
• Site édited by : PEGG PUTTER INTERNATIONAL SIRET 439 105 446 00033, TVA Intracom : FR90439105446, with legal addresse at : 43 ALLÉE DES GENÉVRIERS 13410 LAMBESC - France
• Editor : MARCEL AVARGUES, telephone : +33 (0)6 70 57 44 10 email
• Webmaster : Agence Ugocom, telephone: +33 (0)9 72 53 84 77
• site hosted by : Ugocom, 1163 Route du Thor, 84210 Pernes les Fontaines
telephone au : +33 (0)9 72 53 84 77